Diana’s Story

In a world saturated with self-help clichés and cookie-cutter therapy practices, Diana Mandell, the self-proclaimed "Anti-Therapist," challenges the “dirty bath water” approach of sitting in one's problems and advocates for a proactive approach that sparks real change.

Driven by a deep understanding of human connection and the power of self-transformation, Diana Mandell is challenging the status Quo and ripping up the rule books to self-help. Diana has crafted a life-altering approach sparking a revolution in self-discovery and human connection. This unique approach ignites the journey toward unapologetic authenticity and raw, transformative relationships for all.

Diana's revolutionary approach has garnered widespread recognition, earning her prestigious accolades and featuring her in top media outlets, including Forbes and Maxim. However, her no-bullshit approach is not for the faint of heart. Diana's methods demand courage, determination, and a willingness to confront the uncomfortable truths beneath the surface. But for those who dare to step onto her path, she promises profound change, redefining their existence.



Diana's commitment goes beyond the surface, emphasizing deep, meaningful change. With unwavering conviction, Diana challenges her clients to embrace radical self-transformation, shattering the limiting beliefs that hold them back.

She encourages them to shed the outdated version of themselves, embracing the "2.0 YOU" – a more authentic, empowered, and connected version of their true selves.

If you are ready to turn chaos into clarity and ignite your core truth book a one-on-one call with Diana today.




Diana Mandell creates an Emotional Shifting Process designed as a personal methodology to banish emotional residue. DIana lets us in on what she's observed during her many years of successfully mentoring corporate clients as well as coaching thousands of single men, women and couples. She shares client stories and action steps designed to be incorporated into your life right now. This book delivers an insider's view of how to heal your wounds, stand out from the crowd, and achieve work-life balance while creating and maintaining healthy, fulfilling romantic and professional relationships.


This will change y

This will change y


2. Friendship

3. Professional

4. Family

5. Romance

An assessment designed to reveal your personalized action plan to regain control of your life, a catalyst for true change, deeply connected and empowered to create your own story of authentic relationships and transformative personal growth.